Sunday 30 October 2016

Braised red cabbage with apple

Serves 6 (serves 2)

2½ lb red cabbage (small)
2 medium onions, sliced (one)
2 medium cooking apples, cored and chopped (one)
2 level teaspoons of suger (one)
bouquet garni
2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar ( one )
1 oz butter ( half an ounce)

  1. Shred cabbage. Discard coarse stalk and leaves
  2. Layer the cabbage in a 6 pint casserole with the onions, apple, sugar and seasoning. Put bouquet garni in centre and pour over 2 tablespoons of water and the vinegar
  3. Cover tightly and cook in oven at 200°C for 1 hour
  4. Remove the lid and cook for a further 30 minutes, until liquid has evaporated. 
  5. Add butter and toss 

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